Monday, March 29, 2010

What to Post

I haven't posted for a week or two because I have so much going on that every time I sit down to write a post...  I have TOO many thoughts in my head.  haha I am learning on focusing on one thing at a time and I would like to share that info with you brides to be now.  
Since I have been feeling overwhelmed with the amount of tasks and decisions ahead, I have made a week by week list.  This way, when I feel overwhelmed I can look at that list and say "Don't worry about the favors this week, that is for the week of May 3rd."  I have to apologize to anyone who has gotten married before I was engaged.  I had NO idea how much planning goes into this stuff!  People don't give brides and grooms enough credit!  This is a full time job!  Maybe it is the designer in me, but I have so many ideas in my head that it actually can be a detriment to planning!   Don't get me wrong, it is fun planning it all.  It is just A LOT.  So I promise (to you and to myself) to post more, focus more, and ENJOY more!  This goes for all things in my life, not just weddings!  I definitely think that I am learning many life lessons through planning!  Haha Who knew!  Here is to the future!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The perfect shoe...

Accessories are my thaaaang.  I get a lot of joy over a new necklace or scarf.  I also have really been into shoes lately.  With my wedding EXACTLY four months away, it is time to start on the accessories search!  Here are a few different styles and colors of shoes I am thinking about.  I am definitely going to have to narrow down soon!  You will definitely notice similarities between all of these shoes.  For example,  they mostly have some sort of embellishment on the front.  I want to make sure these shoes are special!  

I have really been feeling the colored shoes lately.  I think it is such a fun way to add a little funk into your wedding style.  Here are a few of my favs.

Claudia Ciutti Bella Pumps... I can't find you in my size and color, but I love you...

I have mentioned these Natalie Portman shoes before...  but I still love them even though they don't exist anymore.

Are you noticing a trend?  I can find plenty of perfect purple shoes, but none of them are actually available!

These are pretty fun, a little too out there for me.  But I love any bride that can rock these!  I also love how Angelica Glass photographed them.  Making them look even more fantastic!

Here is another example of something blue.  This totally became a trend after the "Sex and the City" movie for obvious reasons.  Getting your something blue and being like Sarah Jessica Parker are both prerequisites for any wedding.  Haha!

I also could go the way of grey shoes.  Thanks Zappos!  Best shoe website ever!  Love these!

The thing that makes me nervous about these Nina Shoes is that they don't look very sturdy!  Very pretty though.  But,  I need to be able to dance the night away!  Very important!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Some of my favorite pictures from the last time I was in North Carolina.  This is where I am going tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited about it.  I have the best sister ever.